The latter allows you to generate income and resources, however, people's happiness will diminish due to the predatory spirit. Captured cities can now be liberated, left, turned into a colony, made a satellite. The increase in the territory of the city can be achieved due to two factors: the elimination of opponents in the surrounding area, or because of cultural development, within which people become happier.

The more we plan and create, the longer our empire takes to build. Resources are still divided into rare, bonus and strategic. Now, most of the moves assume the fastest development of technologies, but this does not speed up the game against the background of other factors. Inside the game, the Tech Tree is badly damaged. Such a city can also become the master of the world, but it is more difficult for it to make contact with strong powers, since it is not economically interesting. The developers warn that city-powers have appeared in the game, inside of which exactly the same development is taking place, only in a minimalistic form. You can choose from 18 strong powers of this world, inside which you can add 7 wonders of the world, put in control a leader who has individual characteristics, and also does everything in his own way.

Sid Meier's Civilization V - a strategy with the style of RTS, where we still build a civilization from primitive times to modern times.
#Download civilization 5 free full version series
The legendary turn-based strategy series introduces us to the sequel, in which a huge number of additional orbs were added.